Best Hair Transplant: Decoding The Best Solution For Hair Loss In 2021

Studio6 Clinic
3 min readMar 19, 2021

A Topical Solution To Promote Hair Growth

Like signs of aging, male pattern baldness tends to appear in men after they’re well into their 30s. For most males, hair loss occurs over a period of time without going bald overnight.

Preventing hair loss is a vital step to have a healthy head of hair. The first thing you can do is to pay attention to the symptoms of hair loss, and the sooner you do so, the better. Most experts believe that if you identify hair loss sooner, you will experience a greater degree of hair growth.

However, when it comes to identifying hair loss, the first step isn’t always easy. As hair loss most common characteristics that show up online are never accurate. This makes it difficult to identify the difference between natural hair loss and male pattern baldness.

The good news is, fortunately, there are some visible signs that can help detect and solve the problem of hair loss. Below, is a list of signs to be aware of.

1. Remarkable change in your hairline

2. Excessive thinning of your hair

3. Tremendous hair loss after showering or brushing

What Step Should You Take To Stop Hair Loss?

Lots of effective measures can be taken if you’re willing to stop your hair loss. However, the best method to pause all your hair loss problems is by considering the best hair transplant treatment.

What is hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery that attempts to maintain hair growth in bald areas. Hair follicles are taken from a healthy, bald-resistant area and placed in the bald region, and re-established in as natural a growing pattern as possible.

Types of Hair Transplant

1. FUT — Individual follicles are harvested and then dissected into individual grafts in the FUT technique. In fact, the hair transplants are done under local anesthesia.

2. FUE — FUE technique of hair transplant is performed by making a tiny incision around the individual grafts and removing them one at a time from the donor area. To sum it up, the whole process is time taking but completely painless.

Who should prefer to FUT method?

Ø People who want full coverage on their scalps.

Ø People who don’t mind needles, wounds, and longer recovery time can opt FUT technique.

Who should prefer the FUE method?

Ø People who have hair loss, especially in the crown area.

Ø People who want to adapt to an active lifestyle.

Ø People who want fast recovery.

Ø People who prefer a less invasive method and don’t prefer cuts and stitches on their scalp.

Wrapping it up!

Baldness can cause low self-esteem, but the best hair transplant works well. Hair transplant is a craft where it reveals the surgical abilities of the surgeon and the best hair transplant clinic that manifests the skills. So the most important thing in hair transplantation is finding the best hair transplant clinic with quality and expertise.

About Us

Every success story starts with somewhere. Let’s start with Studio6 Clinic. For 15+ years Studio6 Clinic has been changing lives and empowering lives with our best hair transplant techniques across the country. So allow yourself to be your own boss with a head full of hair. Yes, that’s the best solution.



Studio6 Clinic

Studio6 Lifestyle is the leading and well-established hair transplantation clinic in India. Our doctors will carefully explain all the options.